(Painted near Hells Kitchen)
"I know this manhole with your name on it that I've been wanting to do." He signs a two-dollar bill, gives it to me, and says, "I want it. It would be cool if you could use tie dye colors like in the Sixties."
As soon as the mercury hit 50 degrees, I hit the pavement. Totally relaxed, I was painting near an old, dilapidated bar. By 10 A.M. my canvas needed wetting but I had run out of water. I walked into the bar to fill my water bottle. "Good morning. Do you think you could put some water in this bottle for me." "No." "Do you think I could fill it in your bathroom sink?" "No. The bathroom is for customers only." "OK, may I have a juice? " No" "Very well, have a good day."
I left and still relaxed and peaceful continued painting on the dry canvas. Here comes Mr. Bartender. "What are you doing out here? "Oh, I'm just doing some painting and it is going really well" "You can't be doing this here. People are complaining." I look around expecting to see angry faces, but there is not a person in sight! "Will you let those people know that I should be done soon and out of their way." He storms off and returned five minuets later declaring,
"The boss says you have to go." "Will you see if your boss wants to take a look at this? It is almost done and he might really like it." Five minutes later he storms out and angrily says, "You can't just paint wherever you want. This ain't the Sixties, man." I smiled, looked down at the finished painting, and said. "Yea it is but thanks for your opinion." He growled once more. "No, you don't understand. This ain't the Sixty's man!"
I cleaned up, entered the bar once more, and said "Thanks again for all your help. You have a good day."
If anything you brought customers to their place. :)